Blocksburg - Friendly PvE & Building [Tpa, Purge, Anti-Grief]

Server Information
Hostname Blocksburg 1 - Friendly PvE and Building
Status Checked 1 minute ago
Players 0 / 24
Location United States of America
Version 3.x
Platform Windows
Map Escalation
Registered by Kamara
Registered since December 5th, 2021 04:32 PM EST
Last update December 5th, 2021 04:32 PM EST
Tag(s) Dedicated First Person Normal PvE Rocket Secure Third Person Vote Rewards

Discord Server

Vote(s) 11
Rank 96
Score 20
Favorited 7
Discussion(s) 0

About This Server

- NO RAIDERS! (Buildables are 100x stronger than normal!)
- Plugins (TPA, Votifier, and more!)
- Community (Friendly Players, Active Admins!)
- Steam Group (Blocksburg Unturned)
- Discord (
- Weekly Purge Day (PvP on Fridays, still no raiding though!)