Unturned Update 2.1.1

Posted on July 14th, 2014 03:41 PM EST
Unturned update 2.1.1 has been released on Steam.

-Added the miner helmet: 1 construction helmet + 1 torch = 1 miner helmet
-2 rags = 1 bandage -2 bandage = 1 dressing
-Added the option to respawn at your bed.
-Added a 10 second cooldown on PvP for bed respawns.
-Added message for version mismatch.
-Added the ability to put shutters on walls to protect ladders.
-Added keybinds for turning nvgs on/off, dropping items and dequiping items.

-Increased all XP drops.
-Increased metal shield health.
-Increased (slightly) crop growth time.
-Renamed reset to suicide.

-Fixed savedata resets when playing tutorial.
-Fixed a saving bug when destroying the only barricade in a zone.
-Fixed robery to robbery.

Source : http://steamcommunity.com/games/304930/announcements/detail/268278972860623549
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