DeadZone | Semi-Vanilla | 2x | Beginner Friendly |

Server Information
Hostname DeadZone | Semi-Vanilla | 2x | Beginner Friendly |
Status Checked 1 hour ago / Online 45 days ago
Players 0 / 32
Location Australia
Version 3.x
Platform Windows
Map Russia
Registered by sowbad180
Registered since March 3rd, 2024 09:10 PM EST
Last update March 8th, 2024 09:07 PM EST
Tag(s) First Person Normal PvP Third Person
Vote(s) 0
Rank 2909
Score 0
Favorited 0
Discussion(s) 0

About This Server

Welcome to DeadZone Unturned – Where Survival Meets Adventure!

Hey there, survivor! Ever wanted to dive headfirst into the gritty world of post-apocalyptic Russia? Well, you're in luck! DeadZone is where the action's at.

What We Offer:

Semi-Vanilla Vibes: Get ready for a wild ride through the untamed lands of DeadZone, where the only rule is to survive at all costs. It's Unturned, but with a twist that'll keep you hooked!

Double the Loot, Double the Fun: Who's got time to wait around for gear? With our 2x loot rate, you'll be kitted out in no time. Scavenge, loot, and gear up faster than ever before!

Newbie-Friendly Zone: Whether you're a seasoned survivor or just starting out, we've got room for everyone. Our friendly community is here to lend a hand and make sure you're feeling right at home.

Life's a Bit Easier Here: We've sprinkled in some quality-of-life upgrades like bigger storage, stackable items, and roomier backpacks. Because who wants to struggle with inventory management in the apocalypse?

Explore the Russian Wilderness: From abandoned towns to eerie forests, there's no shortage of places to explore in the vast expanse of Russia. Uncover hidden secrets and brave the unknown with your fellow survivors!

So what are you waiting for? Join us in DeadZone Unturned and carve out your own path in the chaos. Remember, it's not just survival – it's an adventure!

See you on the flip side, survivor.