
Server Information
Hostname [US] Syntale #2 |Vault|Kits|Shop|Airdrop|Loot++|
Status Checked 4 minutes ago
Players 0 / 100
Location United States of America
Version 3.x
Platform Windows
Map Russia
Registered by HattieJobs
Registered since August 10th, 2023 01:22 AM EST
Last update August 10th, 2023 01:22 AM EST
Vote(s) 0
Rank 264
Score 3
Favorited 0
Discussion(s) 0

About This Server

Jing launched the "Taste of Australia" themed buffet dinner, opened Australian oysters, the creamy sweet taste, sweet but not fishy, ​​making people want to encore infinitely! In addition, you must try the premium Australian grass-fed Mb2+ beef ribs. The meat is moderately soft and firm, and the gravy is plump, which is a favorite of carnivores! In addition, the dinner buffet also has Global Seafood Frozen Plate, Indian-style Grilled Australian Mackerel Fillet, a variety of traditional Australian desserts, etc. Huijing Buffet rarely offers discounts, so why not try it with a rare 10% discount!
